The 2023 ASEAN Moot Problem centers around a dispute between a fictional state (“the Republic of Rakis”) and a fictional foreign investor (“Chirpey Inc”) regarding investments on cryptocurrency and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) which is forwarded to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
The Cambodian Moot Team consists of 3 outstanding university students: Mr. Saiyan Devid, Mr. Yen Sovan Chanmony, and Ms. Tola Sophatrea. In the preliminary round taking place on 19 October 2023, the team will go up against the Philippines Moot Team and the Singapore Moot Team in the morning then against the Vietnam Moot Team and Malaysia Moot Team in the afternoon.
The following day, the highest scoring moot team will advance to the semifinals in the morning, then the final round in the afternoon.